Mayo County Council
Mayo County Council has been involved in the development of AWE for many years. MayoCoCo was the lead partner of the InterregNWE project MegaAWE and has been through the permitting process and
construction process alongside RWE for the settling of their test site in Bangor Erris.
The local administration sees an opportunity to build on the MegaAWE public outreach, findings and
investments in its region and develop an innovative energy solution that will be deployable and efficient
for its territory, as well as the sentiment of participation to the effort in pilot projects acting for a more
sustainable energy production.
MayoCoco's motivation also lays in the relevance and importance of learning directly from the AWE
project developed on its territory while being directly involved in strategic activities alongside the
project partners.
Local acceptance is a key aspect of the development of renewable energy project and MayoCoCo is a
key actor in facilitating the process towards local population. MayoCoCo will participate in the
organisation and in the conduction of local actions towards the population and the stakeholders with
regards to the DEM-AWE project activities. Collecting feedback from the public is important for
MayoCoCo who want to hear from people.
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